Scotty McCreery was perfomring at the Colorado State Fair on Saturday August 24th, when he was only in the middle of his first song "It Matters To Her".
He was starting to sing when he noticed a man allegedly hit a woman in the audience, which was when he stopped the show to address the situation and have the man removed.
“Right here, that’s a lady you just hit, sir,” he said, pointing to someone in the audience. “Absolutely not, you just hit the lady. Police? Security? Is she OK? Get the heck out of here.”
He went on to say “On God’s green earth. At a Scotty McCreery show? What are you doing?” he said shortly after he called out the alleged attacker. “Y'all let the cop know who hit the lady. That’s absolutely unacceptable.”
“We got ‘em? We good down there?” he asked security, “Whoever you are, that’s the definition of a coward, hitting a lady. Get the heck out of here.”